What has Biodiversity ever done for us?
The most watched television show in the UK in 2017 was the final episode of “Blue Planet II” narrated by Sir David Attenborough. The documentary highlighted the effects that plastic pollution is having on marine ecosystems, suggesting that micro-plastics in the food chain may cause whale calves to be stillborn. The response in the UK […]
Verifying Yaeda – Proving the Concept
You’ll often hear Carbon Tanzania talk about ‘our third-party standard’, in this case it’s the Plan Vivo Foundation based in Edinburgh. What the standard does, is guarantees that what we’re doing is real, mitigates climate change, protects biodiversity and of course provides revenue to communities. It is a guarantee to our clients that when you […]
Is REDD+ working in the Yaeda Valley?
Carbon Tanzania has been collaborating with the Hadza Hunter-gatherer communities of the Yaeda Valley for the past 5 years, supporting them to protect their traditional forested lands where their ancient lifestyle sees them living off the wildlife-rich savannah woodlands. By enforcing their land rights that enshrine a plan to never farm the woodlands, forest carbon […]
Carbon Tanzania – 2016 Impact Report
Carbon Tanzania’s 2016 Annual Report – Click here download our interactive 2016 Annual Report poster.
The Value of Valuing Nature
The sun is just about to set. It is almost 7 pm in the Yaeda Valley in Northern Tanzania, and I am sitting on top of a rock overlooking the vast wilderness below me, as it shimmers in the golden hour. It is one of the most breathtaking views of my life, and I feel […]
How Forest Conservation Meets Our Basic Needs
We sit under an Acacia tree – an Acacia Tortillis to be precise, thanks to its provision of one of our basic needs, shade from the midday African sun. And since our entire approach depends on effective forest conservation, we can be precise! It is the latter stages of the dry season in Yaeda Valley, […]
News from the Yaeda Valley
It has been a busy 6 months for our community partners in the Yaeda Valley and for Carbon Tanzania. As some of you may have already heard we are expanding the size of the Yaeda Valley project area and incorporating surrounding communities. The newly incorporated land is adjacent to the existing project site and will […]
The Last of the First Lead Forest Conservation
Together with the Hadzabe, the last of Tanzania’s hunter/gather communities, we have developed a successful REDD+ project in the Yaeda Valley to protect their 40,000 year old culture. The below article explains the process taken in conjunction with our partners to secure land title for the Hadzabe, develop the forest conservation project and secure the […]