Carbon Tanzania answers questions on Verra’s VM0048 methodology

By Marc Baker Project developers like Carbon Tanzania use methodologies to quantify their project’s benefits. Without them, we couldn’t measure the volumes of greenhouse gas emissions our projects prevent from entering the atmosphere. It is under the guidance of methodologies that project developers set project boundaries, calculate baselines and consider additionality. Given their central role […]
Explainer: Avoidance, issuance and carbon revenue

By Jo Anderson and Marc Baker We don’t deny that there’s a lot of jargon in the voluntary carbon market. To help you understand the complexities of carbon crediting, we sat down to explain some key elements of carbon credit supply. How does Carbon Tanzania know how many carbon credits it can sell? How is […]
Understanding our impact in 2023

2023 marked another record year of growth and impact for Carbon Tanzania. Our three operational, ground-breaking forest conservation projects delivered $6.9 million to some of the most remote communities in Tanzania. Alongside our current projects, we continue to expand our efforts through the development of new carbon assets that will increase the forest lands protected […]
This Land is Our Land: Protection leads to repurchase

Under the ancient baobab tree the celebration begins. The Hadza hunter-gatherers are joined by the District Commissioner of Mbulu, James Kheri, who is officiating the buying back of land that once belonged to the Hadza. Less than 1000 Hadza still live a traditional, semi nomadic life in their ancestral rangelands in the Yaeda Valley, moving […]
What was our Impact in 2022?

2022 was a year of growth and expansion for Carbon Tanzania, and one of change both within the organisation and across our operating environment. Our team expanded, we began work on our latest large landscape carbon endeavour, the Ruvuma Wilderness Project and completed the second annual verification for the Yaeda Eyasi Landscape Project. We also continued […]
Carbon Tanzania’s response to recent articles on forest carbon credits

By Marc Baker, and Jo Anderson, Founders, Carbon Tanzania We are sitting on the Chingole Ridge in southern Tanzania, discussing recent articles on carbon credits. About 100 metres away – and 80 metres lower – we can see a dense, green forest. Yet here it is gravely; a stunted, Miombo woodland. If you were to […]
After COP27, the time has come for community-led climate change action.

Now that the dust has settled on COP27 in Egypt, many of us working in climate change are asking what was achieved, and many observers are asking “what is the climate COP really meant to achieve anyway”. To paraphrase Christiana Figueres in the most recent episode of the excellent climate change podcast “Outrage and Optimism”, COP is […]
What impact did our work have in 2021?

Download the 2021 Impact report
Who will, and who should be allowed to, fund COP26’s zero-deforestation promises?

In case you didn’t notice, COP26 started on Monday in Glasgow. The big news on Tuesday was that world leaders who had gathered together for the summit promised to end deforestation by 2030. This was the first big headline announcement from the meeting, and, setting aside the natural scepticism that accompanies these grandiose statements, it is a hugely […]
Why Dealing with Biodiversity Loss Underpins Solving the Climate Crisis

The ongoing climate drama – The Scottish Play Those of us working in the carbon “space” are naturally looking forward with a healthy mixture of optimism and scepticism to this year’s big international climate jamboree, catchily known as COP26. Postponed from December 2020, the meeting, which is being joint hosted by the governments of the […]