A New Phase for the Ntakata Mountains Project
At the end of December I boarded the recently inaugurated Air Tanzania flight to Mpanda to conduct one of the scheduled bi-annual Finance and Grievance meetings with the Ntakata Mountains project steering committee, composed of representatives from each of the eight participating villages. As is customary whenever we visit one of our project areas, I first met […]
Inaugural Carbon Cup – Yaeda Valley
For over two weeks in December 2019, the Yaeda Valley was feverishly swept up in excitement around the first ever installment of the “Carbon Cup”. The Carbon Cup was a community initiated and community undertaken event aimed at increasing environmental awareness and engagement in natural resource management matters that took the form of a football […]
VGS in Training – Enhancing Forest Protection
In March Marc and I took an operations team trip through two of Tanzania’s iconic conservation areas, the Ngorongoro Conservation Area and the Serengeti National Park. But unlike many tourists coming to Tanzania where these are common destinations, our safari was planned so that we could visit a group of Carbon Tanzania’s community scouts who […]
Protecting Forests: an economic opportunity for developing countries
Over the past two weeks governments, scientists, activists, politicians and lobbyists have been meeting in Katowice,
Signing up to Forest Conservation
A milestone for the Ntakata project was reached on the 3rd October 2018 when eight villages in remote Western Tanzania took a big step towards the long-term conservation of their wildlife-rich natural forests. The communities signed a 30 year contract with Carbon Tanzania committing to prevent the illegal destruction of their Village Land Forest Reserves. […]
Verifying Yaeda – Proving the Concept
You’ll often hear Carbon Tanzania talk about ‘our third-party standard’, in this case it’s the Plan Vivo Foundation based in Edinburgh. What the standard does, is guarantees that what we’re doing is real, mitigates climate change, protects biodiversity and of course provides revenue to communities. It is a guarantee to our clients that when you […]
Carbon Tanzania – 2016 Impact Report
Carbon Tanzania’s 2016 Annual Report – Click here download our interactive 2016 Annual Report poster.
Beyond Philanthropy – Carbon Offsets and Risk Mitigation
This month we review the major findings of the recent Ecosystem Marketplace report into carbon offsetting, and present a compelling summary of why companies around the world are committed to purchasing carbon offsets as part of their broader emission reduction strategies. Far from being akin to buying religious indulgencies, carbon offsets are now understood to […]
Satellite technology comes to the Hadza
Earlier this year we conducted GPS training and provided our Walinzi Wajadi (community scouts) with Garmin Camera-enabled GPS units and iTrip data loggers – equipment provided thanks to an award from Idea Wild. This easy to use technology will allow us to build a database of geo-referenced images of poaching incidents, possible land incursions and […]