Overcoming Communication Challenges with Carbon Champions

How do you overcome the challenges of communicating REDD project goals and outcomes to a community spread over vast forests? Introducing Carbon Champions.
How do Masai Herders Learn about Carbon Forestry

In 2018 Carbon Tanzania rolled out its “Carbon Champions” programme, an experimental scheme designed to communicate the complex nature of carbon forest projects to the communities of Makame WMA. We wanted to address the challenge, common to many rural development initiatives, of communicating complex plans and activities to local people who are both participants in, […]
Bridging the Gap with Carbon Champions

If you had by chance been in a meeting or gathering in one of the village communities in Makame Community Wildlife Management Area (CWMA) during July and August of 2017, you may have met a young man or woman telling the assembled crowd about the new and innovative project that will help the Masai cattle […]