Why Dealing with Biodiversity Loss Underpins Solving the Climate Crisis

The ongoing climate drama – The Scottish Play Those of us working in the carbon “space” are naturally looking forward with a healthy mixture of optimism and scepticism to this year’s big international climate jamboree, catchily known as COP26. Postponed from December 2020, the meeting, which is being joint hosted by the governments of the […]

The Power of People Led Conservation

Think globally, act locally – the power of people led conservation We have said it before, and we will say it again, nature conservation is not about large charismatic animals and endlessly beautiful wild spaces, it’s about people and communities. This is especially true in Africa where people live out their lives in close proximity […]

Biodiversity loss and Covid-19

“We need to save the planet” is an exhortation that I hear frequently, from family, friends and peers in the world of conservation and environmental action, and even more widely across the morass of social media. But my response is, and always has been, the same: “The planet is fine, it will be here long […]

Responding to Covid-19, Climate Change & Biodiversity Loss

Responding to the Covid-19 crisis informs how we deal with the dual challenges of climate change and biodiversity loss. I am writing this blog over an Easter Weekend like no other. In common with over half of the world’s population, I am with my family and under “lockdown” conditions due to the outbreak of the […]

2020, the “Super Year”

A big year for both climate change and biodiversity action. It’s official, 2020 is going to be a big year for climate change! Throughout the final months of 2019 we read about a whole host of reports, articles and stories that made it clear that time is running out for the global community to act […]

David Beroff

Director of Operations

David is a dedicated conservationist with both an excellent academic record and extensive field experience in designing and implementing practical conservation and agricultural project work. At Carbon Tanzania, he oversees the highly technical aspects of project operations, while also using his interpersonal and language skills to communicate the many and complex details of our projects to our partner communities and field collaborators.

Alpha Jackson

Director of Finance

Alpha is a Certified Public Accountant with a degree in accountancy and finance. Alpha is responsible for overseeing all the finance and accounting systems both within the company and across our projects. Alpha’s work with the communities also ensures that they are able to plan the financial management and implement best practices in the allocation of the revenues from their successful natural resource protection activities.

Marc Baker


Marc oversees project operations, often in the field as well as from the Arusha base, and leads the search to find and develop new areas where our approach can deliver lasting results. As a co-founder of Carbon Tanzania, maintaining a connection with the landscapes in which Carbon Tanzania works is critical to Marc.

Jo Anderson


After an established career as one of East Africa’s leading professional outdoor, trekking and wildlife guides, Jo co-founded Carbon Tanzania. Jo’s focus is to ensure business sustainability through financial management and sales, and to ensure that the company has the financial capacity to scale when opportunities arise.